External assessment activities of the ASEAN University Network (AUN-QA) for the Master's program in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law and the Bachelor's degree program in Law
Cập nhật lúc 16:33, 01/07/2024 (GMT+7)


During 03 days from July 2-4, 2024, the external assessment team of the ASEAN University Network (AUN-QA) will come to work at Vietnam National University, Hanoi and assess parallelly 02 programs, which are Master program in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law and Bachelor program in Law of the University of Law, VNU.

With the educational philosophy "Liberal - High quality - Sustainable development", the University of Law, VNU Hanoi always focuses on pioneering in research and training activities, and always aims at the goals of ensuring quality teaching and learning. In recent years, the University has conducted accreditation according to AUN standards for many programs at both master's level including specialized training programs in Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Economic Law, Law Criminal and Criminal Procedure, Law on Human Rights; and bachelor's degrees include standard programs in law and high quality in law, standard training programs in Business Law...

This external assessment activity for the Master Program in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law and the Bachelor of Law Training Program (re-accreditation every 5 years) is considered a new step in confirming the quality of training. It is also an important preparation for the assessment of educational institutions at the University expected to take place in the near future.

Preparations at the University of Law have been completed and are ready for activities within the framework of the assessment.


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